Educator Blog
Information and inspiration for thought-leaders in mental wellness and education
Our blog features a variety of content from the latest trends and social issues impacting education, to interviews with subject matter experts and clients who are successfully using Kognito products. Additionally, we also feature cutting edge research from our in-house team related to student and athlete mental health, product efficacy and cultivating resiliency after trauma. Check in weekly for the latest blog updates.
Suicide Prevention Training Cost: Where Districts Can Secure Funding to Overcome Budget Barriers
Is budget a barrier to your student mental health efforts? Our new guide can boost your efforts to find funding sources that can help bring the power of Kognito’s K-12 virtual simulations to your district.
The Key to Growth Mindset for College Students
A growth mindset can improve a college student’s chance of success…or can it? New research suggests that while the growth mindset is powerful, the campus environment is paramount.
How Online SEL Aligns with the New SEL Definition
CASEL recently updated its definition of social and emotional learning (SEL) to add clarity and reflect the evolution of SEL in education. Online SEL curriculum continues to be an effective way to change attitudes and behavior, and aligns well with the newly-expanded definition.
Telehealth Training to Improve Quality of Care
With the many advantages to telehealth, there are also challenges when it comes to effective patient-provider communication. How can physicians, nurses, and social workers build the specific skills needed for today’s care-delivery landscape?
Mental Health Training During a Pandemic
In just two months, Public Schools of Robeson County in North Carolina engaged nearly every staff member with Kognito simulation training at the start of the pandemic. Learn how they did it.
Title IX Training: What’s New?
What should you know about changes to Title IX training that could affect your sexual misconduct prevention programming, and how are schools managing training during an unprecedented year? Megan Heckel-Greco, Associate Director in the Office for Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Support at the University of Chicago, and Glen Kraemer, founding and managing partner of employment law firm Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP, fill us in.
Kognito in Minnesota Schools
Districts across Minnesota are adopting Kognito simulations to address suicide prevention
Six Districts and Seven Universities Recognized By Kognito for Outstanding Leadership in Promoting Mental Health Literacy
Kognito Honors Education Clients For Best Practices In Building A Safe And Supportive Culture
Mental Health and SEL Curriculum for Middle & High Schools
COVID-19 has stressed the already-present need for mental health and SEL curriculum in the classroom. By using a curriculum that is both engaging and accessible, teachers can get a head start on planning while effectively strengthening students’ social-emotional skills.