Case Study: University Teaches Faculty and Staff Importance of Gatekeeper Training

The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Counseling Center is a recognized leader in suicide prevention training. The pandemic has amplified mental health challenges and higher education institutions like the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign have seen a need to support student well-being now more than ever. Keep reading for a brief overview of how this top-rated university successfully leveraged our At-Risk products to support student mental health. Download the case study to learn more.

The need for gatekeeper training

The pandemic has had a significant impact on student mental health. We know that untreated mental illness can impact academic attendance and success, concentration, relationships, and self-esteem. In response to this pressing need, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign adopted both At-Risk Mental Health for Students and At Risk for Mental Health for Faculty & Staff as mental health gatekeeper training so that students and staff can spot warning signs, know how to respond, and connect students in distress with support services.

Read: New Survey Reveals Need for Faculty Mental Health Training

How effective was Kognito’s At-Risk simulations?

Kognito surveys learners before, immediately following, and three months after its learning experiences to assess effectiveness.

These surveys found that students and staff had a positive learning experience: 99% of students and 100% of staff rated the simulation as “excellent”, “very good” or “good”.

More notably, according to the follow-up surveys, students received more support as a result of the training:

  • Students approached 46% more peers who showed signs of psychological distress
  • Students referred 45% more peers to support services
  • Faculty and staff reported 224 referrals

Download the full case study to access more results.

About the At-Risk simulations

The At-Risk simulations for colleges and universities educates faculty, staff, and students about mental health and suicide prevention. Widely adopted by 350+ campuses nationally, this research-proven online solution cost-effectively drives sustainable changes in behaviors that support academic performance, student retention, and campus safety. Learn more about this experiential learning simulation for higher education institutions at

Download the case study

Find out how the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, successfully implemented our simulations to teach faculty and staff the importance of gatekeeper training to support student mental health. Download the case study here.

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