Leverage Grant Funding Opportunities to Support School and Districts Mental Health Initiatives
To create a safe, supportive, and nurturing school environment, it’s possible that schools and districts need resources beyond what might be currently available for them. For 20 years, Kognito has assisted dozens of schools and districts in navigating the funding process and understanding how our products align to local and federal grants. These funding opportunities ensure that staff have the training they need to be successful leaders and role models in the classroom and continue their commitment to best serve their students.
Explore these funding options in depth in our 2023 PK-12 Funding Guide or continue reading for highlights of the guide.
Providing Grant Program Support
Our expert account managers are well versed in the many local and federal grants available for schools and districts. They can provide you with the program support needed to collaborate with grant writers and other staff to align your school’s needs with Kognito products and the overall goal of the grant.
2023 PK–12 Grant Funding Opportunities in a Nutshell
In our full guide, we outline all available grants aligned to Kognito products, which provide training for educators and students in critical subjects, including mental health and wellness, coping strategies, resiliency and growth, creating a safe and caring school environment, and violence prevention.
The different types of grants fall into four categories:
- Formula Grants
- Discretionary Grants
- Pass Through Grants
- Continuation Grants
For more information and the definitions of each type of grant, download the full 2023 PK-12 Funding Guide.
Kognito meets the requirements for the following grants:
- The Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) supports plans for comprehensive community mental health services for children up to age 18 who have a diagnosable behavioral, mental, or emotional issue that interferes with or limits a child’s ability to participate with family or in school or work activities.
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reinforces the commitment to provide equal opportunity for all students. It features provisions to ensure academic success for all students and schools.
- Title I helps to ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards by supporting effective, evidence-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap.
- Title II supports professional development for educators and leaders to ensure that they have the tools and training to be effective in their role.
- Title III seeks to improve the education of limited English proficient students by assisting them in learning English and meeting the academic content and student academic achievement standards.
- ESSER II & ESSER III support programs to counter the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the social, emotional, and mental health of students, while addressing learning loss and ensuring that academic needs are being met.
- The Mental Health Awareness and Training Grant (MHAT) focuses on the preparation and training educators need to respond to individuals appropriately and safely with mental health challenges and/or disorders, particularly those with serious mental illness.
- Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) advances wellness and resiliency in education by increasing mental health awareness in schools across states, territories, and tribal communities.
- Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) promotes health and wellness among young children by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of their development and prepares them to thrive in school and beyond.
- Project Prevent (Prevent community violence) provides community and school-based strategies to prevent community violence and mitigate the impacts of exposure to violence.
- School Climate Transformation provides grant assistance to schools implementing an evidence-based multi-tiered behavioral framework for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.
- Stop the Violence seeks to prevent violence in K–12 school settings and improve efforts overall to reduce violent crime in and around schools.
- The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Blog Grant (SABG) provides grant funding to treat and prevent substance abuse.
- Cooperative Agreements for School-Based Trauma-Informed Support Services and Mental Health Care for Children and Youth increases student access to evidence-based and culturally relevant trauma support services and mental health care. This program develops innovative programs to link local school systems with local trauma-informed support and mental health systems, including those under the Indian Health Service.
Learn More and Get Started Today
Interested in learning more about which Kognito products align with your grant funding opportunities? Download the full 2023 PK-12 Funding Guide or contact us today for more information.