Educator Blog
Information and inspiration for thought-leaders in mental wellness and education
Our blog features a variety of content from the latest trends and social issues impacting education, to interviews with subject matter experts and clients who are successfully using Kognito products. Additionally, we also feature cutting edge research from our in-house team related to student and athlete mental health, product efficacy and cultivating resiliency after trauma. Check in weekly for the latest blog updates.
Are Your Teachers Prepared to Support the Full Potential of SEL?
As social-emotional learning for students continues to grow, what about SEL for teachers? Learn how supporting adult SEL can pay off in the classroom.
Level Up Your Campus With The Stepped Care Model For Mental Health Services
Is your institution using a stepped care model to map mental health resources? See how universities are using stepped care to meet students where they are, with the right services.
Developing Interpersonal Communication and Professionalism Competencies
Definitions of effective communication encompass not just the exchange of information, but also the manner in which that information is communicated: in a way that both parties understand and feel ready to act. How can schools of health professions and healthcare organizations ensure that their provider workforce is prepared, confident, and likely to practice effective communication skills with patients?
The Secret to Empowering Your Teachers and Staff With Professional Development
What do teachers and school staff really want from professional development? Giving them a voice in how they learn can open doors that lead to major benefits for school districts.
Addressing Community College Mental Health
Community colleges face unique challenges compared to four-year universities. But there are steps they can take to address student mental health, even with fewer on-campus resources.
Integrating Behavioral Health Into Primary Care with Training
As healthcare leaders face opioid and mental health crises, integrating behavioral health into primary care is seeing promising results. Here’s how they’re doing it and why.
Kognito on
A new article by highlights how Kognito simulations utilize psychology, role-playing game theory, and artificial intelligence to help healthcare professionals strengthen communication skills and better support patient health.
Mental Health Education for Students in Alabama
We talked with Ian Krueger, Suicide Awareness Educator at Crisis Services of Northern Alabama. Since the summer of 2018, Ian has reached over 1,600 middle and high school students with mental health and suicide prevention training with Kognito’s Friend2Friend simulation. Ian tells us more about how he works with the community and local schools, and the changes he has seen through implementing mental health education for students.